We Provide Case Studies So You Can View Our Orthodontics Options
Bandeen Orthodontics is a premier full-treatment orthodontics facility and has a range of treatments available for their patients depending on what they need done. We offer early-treatments, when necessary, as well as Invisalign and custom mouth guards. We provide treatment for our patients based on what benefits them the best, not just to be a busier office. You can trust Bandeen Orthodontics to give you the treatment you need and help you through the process to find the proper method for your teeth.
Full-Treatment Types
We treat a variety of teeth problems at Bandeen Orthodontics, including full treatment options and early treatment for those that can’t wait. We want you to be comfortable with your smile and that is why we go over the steps you will need to give you that perfect smile.
Class II (two types) – Class II occurs when the upper teeth and/or upper jaw (maxilla) is farther forward than the lower teeth. It also occurs when the lower teeth and/or lower jaw (mandible) are farther forward than the upper teeth.
Extractions – An extraction is the removal of teeth because there wasn’t enough space to allow them to fit together without a compromise of esthetics and function.
Narrow Smiles – Narrow smiles can be expanded to give an esthetic or functional improvement. All of our expansions are done without palatal expanders.
Open Bite – An open bit is when the teeth do not touch.
Shape of Teeth – When teeth are not shaped well or properly.
Spacing – Gaps between the teeth.
Impactions – Teeth that have grown in the wrong direction are often stuck and needed to be properly moved to their spots.
Dental Implants and Missing Teeth – Missing teeth can be addressed by restoring or replacing them or hiding their absence.
When going over full treatments, we will determine the best course of action based on these characteristics, as well as what will be ideal for you. If you have any questions, contact Bandeen Orthodontics in Kalamazoo or our Battle Creek and Three Rivers Locations. If you would like to browse our case studies, click here! This will show the different types of full treatment through patients we have helped.